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The BAMScore

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BAMScore™ is BAMTesting’s proprietary index for reliably measuring athletic performance, objective benchmarking for physical development, and validating on-field performance parameters. 

Combining proprietary technology with 30 years of coaching and research, the BAMScore™ gives athletes, coaches and trainers a truly objective, standardized method for assessing athletes. Integrating this "athletic SAT" score with other sport metrics, gives coaches insight into where players need improvement, from performance parameters, skill, to the training table central server for reporting.

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Performance Gap Measure

BAM is your athletic GPS - Know where you are so that you can figure out where you are going!

Performance Gap Measure

The performance gap will identify the performance improvement needed to achieve an improved BAMScore. For example, the 80th percentile BAMScore is in the 2200 range. This is a solid Division I performance-level. The scores below provide this athlete with the gap needed to reach the 80th percentile BAMScore: increase approach vertical by 4.8 inches, reduce four-way agility be almost a second, reduce reaction shuttle by .1 of a second, sprint needs no improvement, and increase vertical by just under an inch. 


All BAM Testers receive their own personal profile page to share or keep private.



“BAM has been the. testing service providers for the Trinity Football Pro Day since 2011” 


—  Brett Brungardt, BAM Co-Founder

—  Brett Brungardt, BAM Co-Founder

Trinity University Football

“BAM has been the testing service provides for the Trinity Football Pro Day since 2016” 


—  Brett Brungardt, BAM Co-Founder

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